Face lift

What is Face Lift?

Face lift is surgical process to obtain rid of rhytides or wrinkles above face particularly cheeks, nasolabial folds and jowls. Face lift Surgery produce most wanted effect to face by deletion of excess skin and also tightening of causal muscle layers. It’s converts square shape face to triangular , giving young look.

What does Face lift Surgery Involve?

A face lift involves the dexterous removal of overindulgence facial skin from the neck, chin and cheek areas below local or common anesthetic. Starting high in the shrine area, the hair at the slit courses down following the curves in front of the ear around the earlobe and also up after the ear before curving smoothly back into the hair again. It might be compulsory to add an slit under the chin which is also well hidden. Using these incision on the both sides, the skin and profound tissues are remodel and re-draped. Stitches locked layers of tissue and incision and metal clips might be used on scalp. The scars are concealed around your ears and also in your hairline and typically fade in over 3 to 6 months.

Appointment with Dr. Ammara Rabbani

  • Call: 0334-4976667


As you know face lift is a surgical process so it accompany a few risks that you should take into account though deciding for this surgical process. The risks of face lifts are given below:

  • Scarring
  • disease
  • Loss of hair on slit site known as alopecia
  • Effect to anesthesia
  • Numbness
  • Facial Bruising
  • Face Swelling

Before and After Photos – Face Lift Surgery

Disclaimer:(*): Result may vary depends on individual

Disclaimer:(*): Result may vary depends on individual

Face lift

Disclaimer:(*): Result may vary depends on individual

Disclaimer:(*): Result may vary depends on individual

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