What is Brachioplasty | Arm Lift Surgery? | Female Brachioplasty Surgeon in Lahore 

Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift surgery (Female Brachioplasty Surgeon in Lahore), is a cosmetic surgery procedure that helps improve tone and definition in your upper arms by:

  • Reducing excess of fat.
  • Removing saggy skin.
  • Tightening underlying supportive tissue (fascia).
  • Re-draping the remaining skin.
  • To create smooth arm contour.

Who is the Candidate For Brachioplasty Procedure?

Those having droopy or sagging upper inner arm skin, may benefit from brachioplasty surgery if your upper arms are drooping or sagging.

This may occur due to:

  • Loose and elastic skin due to aging.
  • Losing of weight with or without obesity surgery and pregnancies.
  • Having certain genetic factors that cause your skin to sag.

Female Brachioplasty Surgeon in Lahore

Is Exercise a Possible Substitute For Female Brachioplasty Surgery in Lahore?

Exercise, especially lifting weights, improves upper arm muscle tone. But exercise can’t tighten loose skin. However after an arm lift procedure, these healthy habits can help maintain good results for a long period of time.

What Happens During An Arm Lift Surgery?

  • The brachioplasty surgery, is either done in general anesthesia, may receive a local anesthetic, which only numbs the surgical area.
  • Surgeon makes an incision on the inside or back of your arm. The size of the incision depends on how much skin has to be removed.
  • The excess skin is removed by cutting it away and, the excess fat by using liposuction.
  • Then the stitches (sutures) are used to tighten the underlying supportive tissue.
  • The incision line is closed with sutures and dressed with sterile gauze and compression bandage to reduce the risk of infection and swelling.
  • Some surgeons put in drains for a day or 2 to prevent seroma or hematoma formation.

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What Are The Benefits Of Female Brachioplasty Surgery in Lahore?

You may expect a well contoured upper arm appearance. Which will boost your self-confidence. You may feel more comfortable in sleeveless shirts, form-fitting tops and swimsuits.

What Are The Risks Of Brachioplasty Surgery Or Arm Lift Surgery?

Arm lift risks include:

  • Pain and bruising.
  • Hematoma or bleeding.
  • Seroma or swelling.
  • Sensory loss or Numbness.
  • Surgical site infection.
  • Hypertrophic scarring

What Is Brachioplasty Recovery Like?

After arm lift procedure (Female Brachioplasty Surgeon in Lahore), bandages protect the incision while it heals. You wear a snug-fitting garment (compression garment) to minimize swelling. There may be drains placed to drain excess fluid.

Arm lift recovery also includes:

  • Changing bandages and elevation to reduce swelling.
  • Rest and healthy diet, to promote healing.
  • Avoiding strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for a period of recovery.
  • Wearing a compression garment for several weeks.

How Soon Will I Notice Results?

You’ll notice changes in the shape and contour of your upper arms immediately after surgery. Longer-term changes include:

  • Swelling and bruising, which may subside in a few weeks.
  • Scars may fade and become less visible with time.
  • Some recurrent looseness with weight fluctuation.

Sagging can occur naturally with further aging.

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