What is Rhinoplasty or Nose Surgery in Pakistan? Nose job cost in Lahore

What is Rhinoplasty or Nose Surgery in Pakistan?

Rhinoplasty or Nose Surgery in Pakistan is the nose reshaping surgery which is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures. Rhinoplasty involves the reshaping of cartilaginous and bony framework and also the soft tissues of the nose. Which can either increase or decrease the size of your nose, address the shape of the tip or the bridge, narrowing of the nostrils, reducing the humps and bumps, and can also correct the structural defects like breathing problems.

If you are unsatisfied of your nose shape, you may book an appointment with Dr. Ammara Rabbani and discuss the possible options of re-contouring your nose.

For Nose job cost in Lahore & Appointment:

  • Dr. Ammara Rabbani:
    • 0334-4976667

Who is a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty or Nose Surgery in Pakistan?

Some of the indications that are a good candidate for rhinoplasty are:

  • There are humps or bumps on the dorsal nose
  • Bulbous nasal tip
  • Droopy nasal tip
  • Wide and flared nostrils
  • Crooked or deviated nose
  • Crooked or deviated central nasal septum
  • Nasal trauma that has caused nasal asymmetry

What Does Nose Reshaping Surgery Involve?

In rhinoplasty skin of the nose is lifted from the bone and cartilage which is than sculpted to the desired shape using the technique your surgeon has decided on

As most surgery is carried out under the skin there are rarely any visible scars following nose job.

What are the techniques of Rhinoplasty Procedure or Nose Reshaping Surgery?

Rhinoplasty is mainly of two different types:

  • Open
  • Closed

Open nose surgery in Pakistan: it is performed by making a small incision in the columella, lifting the nose skin and exposing the underlying structure. This technique is suitable for those cases which require more elaborate nose job surgery and with severe nasal deformity.

The incision at the columella is stitched back and the scar usually faint away with time. Open tip Rhinoplasty technique is suitable for almost all of the cases. The healing time is almost similar.

Closed nose surgery in Pakistan: In Close Rhinoplasty fewer and smaller incisions are given and the minimal deformities are corrected through smaller incisions without directly exposing the underlying framework

The Close Rhinoplasty Lahore Pakistan is not suitable for nose deformity. Dr. Ammara Rabbani, Plastic Surgeon will discuss with you at the consultation about which technique suits your nasal deformity and your expectations.

Usually, the close rhinoplasty is suitable for those who require minimal corrections.

Understanding Risks and side effects:

Rhinoplasty is one of the commonest cosmetic surgery procedure performed worldwide and fortunately, significant complications from rhinoplasty are infrequent.

Anyone considering surgery, however, should be aware of both the benefits and minimal side effects like:

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Infections
  • Post-surgical downtime

Most of these complication are minimal in expert hands and usually resolve with conservative management in 2-3 weeks time.

For nose job cost in Lahore and Appointment:

  1. Dr. Ammara Rabbani:
    • 0334-4976667

Before and After Photos – Nose Surgery in Pakistan: 

Nose surgery in Pakistan

Nose Surgery in Pakistan:(*): Result may vary depends on individual

Nose Reshaping Surgery

Rhinoplasty:(*): Result may vary depends on individual

Nose job cost in Lahore

Nose job cost in Lahore:(*): Result may vary depends on individual

Frequently Asked Questions By Clients:

1. What is the procedure of Rhinoplasty or Nose Surgery in Pakistan?

  • Rhinoplasty surgery or Nose Surgery in Pakistan is usually performed under general anesthesia. It starts by making small nasal incisions and exposing the underlying nasal cartilage and bony framework.
  • Manoeuvres are then done as needed to remove the bony or cartilaginous hump, refine the tip, elevate and improve projection of tip of nose, reduce the width of the nose and straightening the septum as needed.
  • The nasal bones are also repositioned minimally to achieve a thinner, and fine look.
  • After that the incisions are stitched back, nasal packing done, externally special protective Rhinoplasty dressing (nasal splint) is placed and then gently awakened from anesthesia.
  • Usually an overnight stay in hospital is required to help recover from anesthesia. But with minor nose correction it might possible to be discharged on the same day.

2. How Will I Look Initially?

  • After rhinoplasty, the time of recovery varies greatly among individuals.
  • One should restrict strenuous activities and sleep with elevated head for 1st week.
  • This will help to decrease swelling and possibility of minor bleeding.
  • You will be prescribed aspirin or certain anti-inflammatory medications for few days.
  • Normally there is bruising around the eyes, which will disappear within a week.
  • If nasal packing is done, it will be removed after 48 hours.
  • Stitches are removed after 5 days.
  • You may need to continue wearing the nasal splint for up to a week, during which time you should avoid getting it wet.
  • One can begin to use makeup as a concealer, if desired, after nasal pack, stitches and the splint is removed.
  • Noticeable swelling may last for few weeks.
  • Minor residual swelling at the tip, may continue for several months, but generally this is not apparent to others.

3. When Can I return to work?

  • Strenuous activities like, straining, bending and weight lifting should be avoided during the early postoperative period.
  • You may be able to return to work within a week or ten days after splint is removed.
  • Most normal daily activities including exercise can be resumed within three weeks.
  • If the bones of nose are also reshaped, it may be a number of weeks (6 weeks) before you can wear glasses without special support such as tape.

4. How Long Will The Results Last?

  • The results of rhinoplasty are long lasting, except for any changes associated with the aging or trauma to nose.
  • One should plan for rhinoplasty until they are at least 14 or 15 years of age, and possibly older for boys for more permanent results.


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